ARTIST IN RESIDENCE: Catherine Maskell
Catherine Maskell
Stay:2024 10/15-11/27
Cath Maskell is a largely self taught ceramic artist who came to ceramics via night classes, whilst working part time and studying for her clinical psychology masters.
She currently lives in Glasgow, and works and teaches out of Glasgow Ceramics Studio, where she makes both functional and sculptural pieces, via a variety of methods including throwing, hand-building and working with moulds.
She is interested in atmospheric firings and has recently been awarded funding by Creative Scotland to learn more about wood firing kilns.
プロフィール :主に独学で陶芸を学び、アルバイトをしながら臨床心理学の修士課程で学ぶ傍ら、夜間クラスを経て陶芸に目覚めた。現在はグラスゴーに住み、陶芸スタジオで制作と指導に励み、ろくろ、手捻り、型を使うなど様々な方法で、機能的な作品と彫刻的な作品の両方を制作している。雰囲気焼成に興味があり、近年薪窯について学んでいる。